Heal and Flow sports massage employs a range of specialist techniques during treatments.
These are selected to suit the client's specific needs.
Following a sports massage, you’re likely to feel a sense of replenishment and rejuvenation which can, in turn, be channelled into your sports performance.
Sports massage is intended to break up scar tissue and muscle adhesions—more typically known as ‘knots’. Knots cause painful inflammations, and massages can help remedy them before they develop into more debilitating issues. Light pressure will be applied while the muscles warm up, and then progress to a deeper pressure on target areas. Although you may experience initial discomfort, it’s necessary if lasting rejuvenation is to occur.
Even if you don’t participate in sports regularly, sports massage can help promote good musculoskeletal health and a greater range of mobility for day-to-day activities.
Alex will ensure you receive the massage treatment necessary for your specific goals, as well as offer advice for maintaining good joint and muscular health in the long term.
Trigger Points Release Technique
Identifying and treating trigger points can be extremely therapeutic.
Trigger points often present as a taut band of soft tissue which cause
focussed pain. They are a result of overuse, poor posture, adaptive
muscle shortening, poor posture or trauma. They often cause pain,
reduced range of motion and weakness.
Dry Cupping
Cupping is an ancient therapy which has experienced a revival over the
past few years. Cupping works by pulling blood into an area, this
increases oxygenation and nutrient levels within the soft tissue, which
helps to stimulate healing.
It is very effective for stretching
fascia and muscles. Using multiple cups on an area produces a stretch
reflex which helps to reduce muscle tension; this helps to increase
flexibility and range of movement.
Cupping can also help with pain
management due to the reduction in muscle tension, nerve compression
and irritation from the build up of chemical irritants.

Muscle Energy Techniques
Muscle Energy Techniques (MET) can help to release and relax muscles, and promote the body's own healing mechanisms.
The benefits of MET include:
Restoring normal tone in hypertonic muscles (muscles which are overactive, with increased rigidity),
Strengthening weak muscles,
Improved joint mobility,
Preparing the muscle for stretching.
Soft tissue Release (STR)
Soft Tissue Release is a technique which actively stretches muscle fibres, fascia and tendons.
Effective application of this treatment requires a detailed understanding of muscle movement, muscle positions (origins to insertions, the direction of fibres) and the layering of tissues.
Myofasical Release
Myofascial Release is a soft tissue massage treatment that helps to increase myofascial mobility and reduce pain within the musculoskeletal system. Myofascial tissue is connective tissue that is located under the skin and surrounds muscles, bones, ligaments and tendons.
Soft tissue in the body can be restricted by injury, overuse or inactivity, leading to pain, tension and reduced circulation. Myofascial release is a slow, effective technique for relieving the symptoms of fascial restrictions.
Transverse Frictions
Transverse friction massage (TFM), also know as cross friction massage or Deep friction massage (DFM) is a specific connective tissue massage that was developed by James Cyriax.
The purpose of TFM is to: maintain the mobility within the soft tissue structures of ligament, tendon, and muscle, and prevent adherent scars from forming. The massage is deep, as the name implies, and must be applied transversely to the specific tissue involved unlike the superficial massage given in the longitudinal direction parallel to the vessels which enhances circulation and return of fluids.
Before TFM can be performed successfully, the correct structure must be found through proper evaluation procedures. The distinction must be made between contractile structures such as the muscle belly, musculotendinous junction, tendon, and tendon-periosteal junction and non-contractile structures such as the joint capsule, bursae, fascia, and ligament.
How does TFM work?
Breaking down lesions allows for increased blood flow and the regeneration of connective tissue. It also allows previously immobile joints or muscles to move which helps the healing process.
The benefits of Deep Transverse Friction Massage include:
Improved mobility in ligaments, tendons, and muscles
Prevention of adherent scar formation
Management of tendinitis pain
Break up of tissue adhesions